What might our future look like in 2040? How can we leave a world worth living in for future generations, limit CO2 emissions and what can we do about climate change?
In his film 2040, award-winning filmmaker Damon Gameau embarks on a journey around the world in search of answers to these pressing questions. And he finds numerous amazing approaches and solutions that are already available.
By 2040, coexistence on earth could be sustainably improved if households produce their own energy, if car traffic is replaced by sharing models and self-driving cars and space is freed up for parks and urban gardening. Agriculture could make a significant contribution with new methods and reduce the CO2 level in the atmosphere and we could also counteract the acute threat in the sea.
We just have to be ready to work together now for a better world and to take new paths.
Tuesday, December 10, 2024, 8 p.m
Pia Laborgne, ITAS (KIT)
Dr. Volker Stelzer, ITAS (KIT)
ICN project “Innovation Communities”
Prof. Dr. Alexa Weik von Mossner, Visions of Sustainability
The film is shown in the original English version with German subtitles. Admission is free, registration via the VHS is required.
There is currently a waiting list for the film – as soon as there are cancellations, we will allocate the available places as quickly as possible.
As an accompanying event to the film, Pia Laborgne and Dr. Volker Stelzer from the ICN project “Innovation Communities” will be holding a workshop (in German) on the topic “2040 – nachhaltige Zukunftsvisionen für Freiburg” at the Freiburg Adult Education Center on January 23, 2025 as part of the Visions of Sustainability project. Registration via the VHS is necessary.