On October 22nd, 2024, the VISIONS OF SUSTAINABILITY research project started with Kathrin Pitterling’s Fridays for Future documentary Aufschrei der Jugend in the packed hall of the Harmonie movie theater.
After a small reception that kicked off the event with local champaign, the project’s motto “researching the impact of films together” was put into practice straight away: the approximately 100 spectators had the choice between an online survey and a paper questionnaire. In addition to attitudes towards climate protection and climate activism, emotional reactions were also asked before the film, after the film and at the end of the event.
The first results of the online survey were already presented during the subsequent audience discussion. Moderated by Alexa Weik from Mossner, the film’s director Kathrin Pitterling, Fridays for Future representative Merlin Geburek and Ursula Müller from Omas for Future Freiburg spoke to the audience about Pitterling’s sensitive portrait of the young activists and the latest developments in the climate movement. Cross-generational collaboration and concrete opportunities to get involved in Freiburg were also discussed.
One such opportunity is the “Grandmas for Future Future Quiz: Acting for the Love of Life,” which will take place in cooperation with VISIONEN DER SUSTAINABILITY on November 11, 2024 at the Freiburg Adult Education Center. In addition to Ursula Müller, the event will be led by Beate Gertz and Christine Scharf from Omas for Future Freiburg. Tickets to the event are free.
The VISIONS OF SUSTAINABILITY team is currently working on evaluating the survey. The results will be published, among other things, on the project website and in the newsletter.